Mineral & Working Interest Leasehold Acquisition

No Lease,
No Grease

Our team has the ability to manage any size of leasing project. We understand the importance of leasing assets to our clients. Bearcat employs a fully staffed and experienced leasing team. Our agents are highly motivated and aggressive but are also sensitive to the relationships formed with mineral owners.

We understand the importance of maximizing our client’s position in a given area and realize the success of any lease play, small or large, depends on obtaining significant amounts of continuous acreage.

Our team is also versed in obtaining mineral, leasehold & working interests. Our expertise in acquisition, technological tools, and research gives our clients a distinct advantage over their competition. Bearcat maintains a fully staffed lease administration team tasked with processing, invoicing, paying, and recording all of our clients’ leases.

Our detail-oriented lease analysts ensure all leases we acquire are accurate and clear of title defects. We also house a secure database that stores all our leasing information.

Our oil & gas purchasing & leasing services include:

  • Experienced and motivated leasing & acquisition agents

  • Fully staffed lease administration department

  • Limited mineral ownership reports for mineral acquisition

  • Secure lease information database

  • Relationships with mineral owners

  • Mineral aquistions

  • Leasehold and working interest acquisitions

  • And more!


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