Professional Regulatory Expertise Services for the Oil & Gas Industry
We Are Experts When it Comes to Application Preparation and Expert Testimony
Our team of seasoned and experienced oil & gas regulatory veterans provides our clients with the regulatory expertise that they need to succeed.
Notice is one of the most underestimated and undervalued pieces of regulatory expertise that creates costly holdups and issues in the on-shore drilling industry.
Our attention to detail and accurate respondent lists ensure that notice is proper in every application that we prepare as we help our clients prepare for and obtain favorable decisions from the OCC.
Our regulatory expertise services include:
Comprehensive, accurate respondent list preparation
Application preparation
Proposal letter preparation and mailing
Fair market value studies
Expert land testimony for both uncontested and protested proceedings
Pooling bonus payment reports
Well setups
And more!
Want to learn more about an innovative pivot happening in the oil and gas industry?
Carbon sequestration offers oil and gas companies an innovative approach to carbon credits. Let us show you this emerging opportunity for redefining resources.